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Photos by: Ania Pawlowska







Responsible for the website content is


Andreas Müller

Friedrich-Schelling-Weg 9

74354 Besigheim




0049 - (0)176 / 4135 8997




For donations from the EU, please use following account:


Andreas Müller

IBAN: DE08 6046 2808 0029 5820 16


VR-Bank Asperg-Markgröningen eG


As reason for payment please write 'donation'.




General information:


Andreas does not claim any holdership of what is said on this website. The message shared here is simply a singular point of view and does not claim any general truth or something like that. Everything that is interpreted from somebody else as well as all the following consequences out of that individual's interpretation like deeds because of or comments on the timeless wonder are not in the responsability of the author of this website and also not intended by him. 



Thank you!